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10 Ways to go Totally Christmas

Warning! This blog post is not for you if you’re currently sitting on the ‘Bah! Humbug’ bus with your anti-Christmas blinkers on.

For all other Christmas lovers – read on; and may the simple joys of Christmas warm your heart!

 Graphic Design Fareham
Yes, that logo. That perfect masterpiece of design, the symbol of your awesomeness. What better way to show your festive cheer than by making a few seasonal tweaks? Be it subtle sparkles or full on sleigh reshaping there’s always something we can do to liven it up!


Graphic Design Fareham

A Christmas landing page in red and green could really set the scene. Or candy cane red and white. Or snow white and green. Or maybe – be Blitzen bold and Christmas colourise your existing home page.


Graphic Design Fareham

So many choices! Whether you choose images or words, or a combination of the two, a header is a great space to share your Christmas message with everyone that visits your site!


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Who doesn’t love a quality animation? Let it snow, let it snow; or have Santa stomp his footprints all over that perfectly laid out homepage; maybe brighten it up with Christmas lights or bring on the  dancing reindeer (it could happen!)


Graphic Design Fareham

If it works for your site without inducing visual overwhelm – go for it!


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Especially useful if you’re heading towards a sale, or a holiday, or a giveaway.


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People like to participate, especially if there’s the chance of winning something!

The Advent calendar has much potential for engagement, and we have it on good authority that Christmas Easter eggs are very popular (if you can stop your brain from shutting down at the concept of Easter eggs at Christmas…where will it end?!)


Graphic Design Fareham

Everyone recognises the 12 days of Christmas as an unofficial countdown, so if it fits in with what your business does it can be a great way of filling your sales department with seasonal cheer!


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Make these short and snappy with a festive social message and they will spread the word, and a great deal of seasonal goodwill if you get the vibe right.


A perfect way to send a personalised  – thank you and here’s to another great year – message to every one of the clients that supports your business by giving you their business.


If any of these festive and fun ideas appeal to you – we salute you!

There’s not much time left for this year but preparing for next year is a marvellous thing. Either way, please get in touch with our Christmas creatives, they’ll be delighted to chat with someone that’s not an elf!

“Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy is to have the real spirit of Christmas” – Calvin Coolidge