With Design Image reaching its 16th Birthday, we thought that this is not only a time to celebrate, but to also reflect over the 16 years of running our Graphic Design business in Hampshire.
So, 16 years ago we started our business in the basement of our house in Southsea, then as we were growing it was time to move out of the house and into proper offices which was just down the road, so very handy.
Unfortunately, whilst we were in the Southsea offices we got broken in to – as you can imagine this was devastating for us, but we had amazing staff, family and friends and we got through it – well we thought we had, but then a month later the burglars came back – this was now time to move somewhere different, so off we went to Waterlooville.
Having been working in Waterlooville for about 7 years, the cost of the premises was going up and even though we loved it there, it was time to make a change and find some better premises. That’s where we found the premises in Fareham, and that’s where we are now.
Over the 16 years we have had and still do have some amazing staff, some that we are friends with now, and some that have either started their own business or have become freelance and we work with them helping each other out on various projects.
We also have some amazing clients and suppliers, a lot of these have been on the journey with us from the start, and we still love working on the projects and being a natural extension to their marketing department.
Don’t get us wrong, it’s not always been amazing, we have been through multiple recessions and now Covid, but we are still very much here, alive and kicking and still doing amazing work which we are very proud of.
Here’s to our Graphic Design business in Hampshire reaching 16 years, and to the years ahead of us.