National Dog Day 2021


So, as it’s National Dog Day today, we thought it was about time we told you all about our office dog Gizmo.

How did we get an office dog

In January 2020 the bosses went on a waiting list to get a puppy – this was after much persuasion from all of us in the office.  They didn’t really want a dog, but we kept telling them how brilliant it would be to have a dog in the studio and we would all help to look after it, taking it for walks and playing – eventually the bosses said yes.  His name had already been chosen – he was going to be Gizmo the office puppy.

Obviously, at this point in time we had no idea what the year ahead was going to hold for us all, and then bang Covid-19 came along.  Everything seemed a complete mess.  We were all sent home – how the hell were we going to get through this, and when and how was Gizmo going to come along.

Whilst at home we got a message from the bosses to have a Teams meeting – they had some exciting news for us (and we all needed that at the time).  There we met Gizmo, this tiny little fluffy Cavapoo.  Obviously, we couldn’t meet him face to face, but there he was, our new member of the Design Image family – it certainly cheered us up.


Back in the studio with Gizmo

By September when Gizmo was 7 months old we were all back in the studio – we couldn’t wait to meet him.  He very quickly became a full team member and we very quickly realised that he is the messiest one of us all.  Toys all over the studio, two beds – well one is actually a towel that he lays on all the time under the desk, the other seems to have ended up being his toy box.  He doesn’t seem to like normal dog beds.  He is also very mischievous and likes to stand on the desks – not helpful when you’re trying to work.

He demolished the rubber plant – so that’s now in the bin, he has stolen socks, tries to steal shoes, eats shoe laces – luckily he hasn’t chewed through any wires (yet).

With everything going on in the world, Gizmo bought a lot of fun and happiness to the studio.

Then back working from home again

In November we were all sent home again because of Covid.  We were sad about this because we wouldn’t get to see Gizmo for a while and we wouldn’t be able to help on walks etc.

Quote from the Boss Michele on this bit – “mmm they said they would help out on walks – have they – of course not – guess who does all the walking with Gizmo – yes me – oh well, I fell for that one”

We didn’t get to see Gizmo for about 6 months – by this time he had become a proper lockdown puppy.  It was then time to get back in to the studio again, and time for little Gizmo to start to get used to people again.  We couldn’t wait to see him.

Excited to be back with Gizmo

By the time we were back in the studio Gizmo was 13 months old and he had grown and become really fluffy.


We didn’t need to worry about whether he would recognise us because he did and we played and he loved it.

He has calmed down quite a bit now and has training to stop barking at everyone who comes in to the studio – it’s taken time, but he is now quite good.  Trouble is, he just loves people and so we have to warn everyone who comes to visit us that he wants to be centre of attention and wants lots of cuddles, he joins in on most meetings now and clients enjoy meeting him.

He doesn’t really contribute to the work load, in fact he doesn’t really help at all – but what he does do is give us lots of fun and happiness and we wouldn’t be without him.